Who Likes Cookies?

Who Likes Cookies?

You’ve heard the term over and over on television commercials, “Cookie Cutter Portfolios”.  Most of the time the term is used in a negative connotation. Well most people I know love cookies and with the right recipe those “Cookie Cutter Portfolios” can benefit people who want to keep investing simple.  Many people abide by the “KISS” (Keep it Simple Simon) rule. Life is busy and people are busy, so keeping up with complex investments is not high on their priority list.  If you go into a restaurant and the menu is filled with tons of options, it can ultimately be too overwhelming to decide on what you want, and you will leave unsatisfied.  The same goes with investing.  If you don’t have a good handle on it eventually you will become disengaged and exit stage right.  Many people think that the more exotic they get with their investments the better their investments will perform.  In most cases, the more simplified your investing is the more engaged you will be.  So, don’t be fooled by the flash in the pan shiny new things.  Take the opposite approach and make investing easy and remember cookies made with a cookie cutter make people happy every day!

Want to learn more? Let’s Talk!

Cleaning Out Your Financial Junk Drawer

Cleaning Out Your Financial Junk Drawer